Thursday, December 6, 2012


Please read this book as it will change your life!!!!!


  1. The reason for this message is that I had a vision the other night and this vision keeps reoccurring and it’s a message to the army of His Church. (We are all on the same side with a mission to help and serve those who are spiritually wounded and spread the Good News!) In this vision I saw thousands and thousands of people standing in rows waiting… These people were all wearing white uniforms and waiting for a command like one would in a military setting. I asked the Lord what this vision meant and He said that these people are in His army and waiting for Him to give them a message. The Lord’s message to His Church is: “Go make disciple.” When I release this message I will not receive the same vision over and over.

  2. Do not pray against a brother or sister in Christ instead pray for one another because when we do this the heavens open up and honor our prayers. Let’s start praying for each church and their members so that we can build His Body in full unity.
